Aces Staff Application

What is your steam name?: Rotten Pussy 

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:79672774

Rp Name: Sky Marshal 1994 Ace 

RP Rank: User Or Sky Marshal? 

How much time do you have on this server?: 6 hours 

What is your Age?: 16

What time Zone are you in?( Google "what is my time zone"): Eastern 

Do you have a fully working microphone you are able to use?: Yes 

Have you been staff, or are you staff, on any servers in garry's mod? If so, list them:  I started my moderating experiences on Cobblecraft, an SMP server. After a few months of playing, I was promoted to become 1 of 2 admins the server needed. Before long, the
?Head Admin? rank was developed by the owner as he wanted to award admin to 2 others, and he granted me this new rank of Head Admin. I was numerously placed as the temporary owner of the server while the owner was busy or on holidays.

The staff of Cobblecraft eventually ended up becoming "corrupt" in a way. They were a lot younger than I and wanted to focus more on fun and stupidity than being serious. I resigned because staff couldn?t see that blowing up that annoying person?s house was a bad idea. The staff didn?t have any understanding on how to run a server, and couldn?t tell the difference between right or wrong. After a month or 2, the owner of Cobblecraft invited me back as their ?Coder?, a rank designed to deal with the technical issues of the server and to manage the plugins for them.

In between positions on Cobblecraft, I created and developed my own server named Starwars Rp. After about 2-3 years of development, we held a small player base of 15-20 players daily. Due to hosting prices being unreasonably high, money became an issue and the server was closed on the 14th of September, 2016.

I applied for mod on a server called dank networks we had a player base of 20-25 people daily i became co-owner in about 2 months. The my pc was burnt in a house fire and i lost it and due to money my family wasn't able to afford me one so while i was gone the server shutdown.

Why do you want to be staff on this server?: I believe me being staff will benefit the server in a lot of ways. I communicate easily and in a meaningful and confident manner. I am reliable, dependable, responsible and would dedicate time to the server when possible to fulfill a position as a staff member. I think I would get along with both staff and players easily and would try my very best to help out at all times. I am respectful to others around me and to those in higher positions to me. I also had a part time job, which has helped my skills of teamwork and working in an environment as a staff member. I am also a great listener and can be trusted to help look after the server. I understand that moderators cannot always be available and can't monitor every word and action, I often play when there are no other staff members online. Being a part of the staff on allow greater staff presence over more time zones, and thus help out players that do not regularly play at the same time as current staff. I also believe that my past experience would be an added benefit to the server.

If a Trooper were to enter an area with a clearance level he or she did not have, what would you do?:
I would ask them to leave.If that dose not make them leave i would take them out of there if they keep going back then a warn if anything else happens i would tell a game master and they would take care of it if one is not on ill kick then if they keep doing it 1 hour ban then 1 day then week 

What would you do if a higher up was abusing their staff powers?:
Take screenshots and report on the forums or a higher ranked staff member then that person abusing 

What would you do if multiple people on the server were spamming in the chat and arguing with eachother?:
Warn>temp mute> Longer mute>Kick>Ban 1 hour>ban 1 day>ban 1 week. But it depends why they are arguing i would wanna first help to solve the problem if it cant be fixed then punishment will be brought in! 

Get some more hours and then we will see about mod
