Steam Username:Rotten Pussy
Steam ID(steam STEAM_0:0:79672774
Roleplay Name: Chief Marshal 1994 Ace
Roleplay Rank: Chief Marshall
Why do you want to be a Game Master?:
I am on every day and i dont play much of anything else after i found vertigo. my dedication to the server shows in my current rank as a Chief Marshall. I do what i can to help others as much as i can on the server hosting sims and sparring whenever i can or someone asks me. i hope to bring more things to do during those now dead times. I have been in countless events since day 1 of me joining.I wanna bring the best and enjoyable RP experience for all battalions in both action packed events as well as passive RP.
Give us an example of an event you would host:First Part:
CG and 104th moves to MHB and forms a line. Naval joins them aswell. The guest lands and is escorted by CG to brig where he is interrogated and he reveals he has been chased by CIS here because he's carrying a sith relic.
[Broadcast] Sith Sith Lord Nehedar: You're protecting a weakling who has taken what is mine, me and my appr are here to reclaim it.
[Comms] Naval: Multiple Munificent-class star frigates have warped into our system.
Moves to defcon 3 and alarms start
[Comms] Naval: Move to total lockdown, close moonpool and skygate. All power to forward shields.
Moonpool and Skygate closes while you hear explosions outside.
[Comms] Naval: ARF and 41st assist 501st in MHB. 327th Move to form a defensive perimiter around brig.Second Part:
Everyone is at their assigned battlestation
[Comms] Naval: Engine is taking heavy fire and comms are getting jamm... [i]static[/i]
[Broadcast] Comms are down.
Naval gets knocked out from the blast and lights turn off
A bunch of explosions go off
[Broadcast] Sith Sith Lord Nehedar: You will regret your lack of cooperation
Both sith light their sabers in MHB attacking the clones with assistance of npc droids
At the same time the player droids and npc droids attack Brig and 3rd from elevators.
Npc droids on first.
Defcon is set to 2
After the sith appr who has lower hp gets killed send broadcast
[Broadcast] Sith Sith Lord Nehedar: Fools the rage only empowers me
wait until second sith and all droids have been clearedThird Part
[Broadcast] The comms interference has been cut off
[Comms] Naval: We're going to use emergency power to jump commencing hyper space.
we jump to the closest system not being able to go further
[Comms] Naval: 104th Get that engine working as fast as you can.
[Broadcast] Sith Sith Lord Nehedar: [i]whispers in the wind[/i] You think this is it? That relic will be your demise!
[Broadcast] CIS CIS Rakduuhl: Yes, yes teach me i want to learn.
Theres an explosion in the brig
The bounty hunter yells "finally i understand" as he open fire upon the CG
After he is killed wait for 104th to finish engine repair and go to defcon 4 then comms
[Comms] Naval: The same warp signature as before has been spotted its CIS
[Comms] Naval: Lets see what this engine can handle, Destination set for Corusant, Commencing Hyperspace.
After we've arrived at corusant go to defcon 5 then comms
[Comms] Naval: We're safe the CIS cant follow us into republic space.Wrapping up
Go to defcon 6
Naval calls for debrief.
All feedback and explanations will be taken up in debrief.
[color=#3498db][size=150][b]This is from a old server i played on not this one but these are some of the ideas i have for events [/b][/size][/color]
How much time do you have on the server?( Top Right Corner of screen in game ): 5 hours
I am a huge fan of all things lore related to star wars being able to tell stories all the way from the sith war until the galactic war. Im also a bookworm when it comes to fantasy and with that came my attention to detail when it comes to story and every action by the characters in the events trying to bring a taste of the rich lore of star wars to every storm trooper and Sith!
Have you done events before?: No not on this server but hope too :)
Steam Username:Rotten Pussy
Steam ID(steam STEAM_0:0:79672774
Roleplay Name: Chief Marshal 1994 Ace
Roleplay Rank: Chief Marshall
Why do you want to be a Game Master?:
I am on every day and i dont play much of anything else after i found vertigo. my dedication to the server shows in my current rank as a Chief Marshall. I do what i can to help others as much as i can on the server hosting sims and sparring whenever i can or someone asks me. i hope to bring more things to do during those now dead times. I have been in countless events since day 1 of me joining.I wanna bring the best and enjoyable RP experience for all battalions in both action packed events as well as passive RP.
Give us an example of an event you would host:First Part:
CG and 104th moves to MHB and forms a line. Naval joins them aswell. The guest lands and is escorted by CG to brig where he is interrogated and he reveals he has been chased by CIS here because he's carrying a sith relic.
[Broadcast] Sith Sith Lord Nehedar: You're protecting a weakling who has taken what is mine, me and my appr are here to reclaim it.
[Comms] Naval: Multiple Munificent-class star frigates have warped into our system.
Moves to defcon 3 and alarms start
[Comms] Naval: Move to total lockdown, close moonpool and skygate. All power to forward shields.
Moonpool and Skygate closes while you hear explosions outside.
[Comms] Naval: ARF and 41st assist 501st in MHB. 327th Move to form a defensive perimiter around brig.Second Part:
Everyone is at their assigned battlestation
[Comms] Naval: Engine is taking heavy fire and comms are getting jamm... static
[Broadcast] Comms are down.
Naval gets knocked out from the blast and lights turn off
A bunch of explosions go off
[Broadcast] Sith Sith Lord Nehedar: You will regret your lack of cooperation
Both sith light their sabers in MHB attacking the clones with assistance of npc droids
At the same time the player droids and npc droids attack Brig and 3rd from elevators.
Npc droids on first.
Defcon is set to 2
After the sith appr who has lower hp gets killed send broadcast
[Broadcast] Sith Sith Lord Nehedar: Fools the rage only empowers me
wait until second sith and all droids have been clearedThird Part
[Broadcast] The comms interference has been cut off
[Comms] Naval: We're going to use emergency power to jump commencing hyper space.
we jump to the closest system not being able to go further
[Comms] Naval: 104th Get that engine working as fast as you can.
[Broadcast] Sith Sith Lord Nehedar: whispers in the wind You think this is it? That relic will be your demise!
[Broadcast] CIS CIS Rakduuhl: Yes, yes teach me i want to learn.
Theres an explosion in the brig
The bounty hunter yells "finally i understand" as he open fire upon the CG
After he is killed wait for 104th to finish engine repair and go to defcon 4 then comms
[Comms] Naval: The same warp signature as before has been spotted its CIS
[Comms] Naval: Lets see what this engine can handle, Destination set for Corusant, Commencing Hyperspace.
After we've arrived at corusant go to defcon 5 then comms
[Comms] Naval: We're safe the CIS cant follow us into republic space.Wrapping up
Go to defcon 6
Naval calls for debrief.
All feedback and explanations will be taken up in debrief.
This is from a old server i played on not this one but these are some of the ideas i have for events
How much time do you have on the server?( Top Right Corner of screen in game ): 5 hours
I am a huge fan of all things lore related to star wars being able to tell stories all the way from the sith war until the galactic war. Im also a bookworm when it comes to fantasy and with that came my attention to detail when it comes to story and every action by the characters in the events trying to bring a taste of the rich lore of star wars to every storm trooper and Sith!
Have you done events before?: No not on this server but hope too :)